Friday, December 5, 2008

The Goose is Getting Fat

Well, Christmas is coming. I'm done shopping, pretty much - just Dad is left, but I know what I'm getting, so I'm not concerned about it.

Which leaves me with a few weeks to make as much stuff for the girls as I can cram in around other projects. Yesterday was a major workday! Canned 7 pints (8?) of kidney beans, re-did the hand-basting on my brother's wedding quilt, completely stitched up and stuffed a Molly Monkey (still needs eyes and clothes), and FINALLY finished crocheting and embroidering the hair on Lizzie's doll. And re-stuffed the little neighbor girl's old bear.

There's stuffing and loose bits of yarn all over the floor. :P

Unfortunately, I'm sick today. :cough-hack-cough: No voice again. What the heck is up with this ill health thing, anyway? :grumble:

Sleepy face

But I love Lizzie's doll!

Handkerchief Skirt



Thursday, December 4, 2008

Tree Skirt!

Busy day, today - canning and whipping up some household recipes. Dishwashing soap today (one part borax to one part washing soda), as well as some of that salt scrub stuff that was in the Martha Stewart magazine. I've been looking for a salt scrub for a while but find them far too pricey for my wallet. Epsom salts, oil, and a drop or two of an essential oil? Yeah, I can afford that.

I'll be so glad to have these beans finally canned! Ugh. It's taken me long enough to get around to it.

Anyhow, here's yesterday's project: a new tree skirt! I'm in love with these colors.

Tree 2008


Emilie said that the tree needed more pink and a little fuchsia. Mommy delivered. ;)

Monday, December 1, 2008


Something new in the shop today. I worked on it last night and set the snaps this morning, after everyone was awake. I found this pattern in one of the size 10 designs Tante and I were looking at. Used it to gauge timing for construction... But, holy cow. So cute!

I added an extra snap so that the hat can fit a younger child, but the hat sits snugly on a larger girl. I'm thinking how adorable this will look with ringlets spilling from the bottom. *mommy swoon*

Winter Blues

Anyhow, I put the hat up in the shop because Emilie wants me to make her a red one, "because, really, Mama, red is my favorite color and not blue." Nevermind that blue is my favorite color this week. I can feel another burst of pink love coming, though.

And, yes, in the background that is a Christmas tree. We have both the aluminum and the cut tree up and trimmed, now.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


Emilie and I aren't doing so well. We're both pretty darn sick, and have been since yesterday. I anticipate the onset of a fever tonight...just have that pre-fever feeling. We're going in to the doctor tomorrow, though.

Poor Emilie, though. She's had a high fever since yesterday, and something triggered her allergies, so she's red all around her mouth. :( And, being on Benedryl, she's extra sleepy (and cranky) when she's awake. Before her nap, yesterday, I asked her if there was anything I could do.

"Make me a froggy, please." she said.

She wanted a frog since I'd finished Elizabeth's pig the night before. She wanted the frog to have brown eyes and a blue mouth, and she wanted the frog to be green, "and have long legs like dolly."

So, I made her a frog. Froggy snuggles under the blankets with her when she feels cold and needs "to get cozy."

Frog for my Sick Sweetie

Piggy says thank you to everyone who said he was not ugly. I finished giving him his nose and stitching his seams together, and he has officially joined the household.

Ugly Pig: Less Ugly than Before

This is my first attempt at either knitting or crocheting a stuffed toy. Very different experience - a lot easier, actually, than I imagined.

Totoro in progress

Lizzie gives Totoro kisses when she passes. Emilie already knows that the big Totoro is for sister, and so does Elizabeth. They've both been part of the crafting process - picking out the right shade of blue-gray, and helping to stuff. Kinda fun. :)

Thank goodness crafting makes the day go by faster, doesn't require much thought (beyond counting), and in no way involves the use of my voice. Because I haven't had much of a voice for nearly two weeks, now.