Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Quilt Squares and Pajamas

I'm terrible about updating both here and at my lj. My apologies to those of you keep checking here and see nothing.

I should have encouraged spring after all. We had a mixed snow and rain storm this morning. Woe.

Which means that the following pictures aren't as fantastic as I'd like...just like the previous few sets. I'm anxious for great natural lighting again - I can't justify buying the sort of camera and lenses that can create beauty even in inadequate light.

To start: I finally made a shirt to go with the pj bottoms I made way back when.


Night Night

I still have three quilt squares left to go, then I'll be caught up. Yay! Here are the three I've finished:

Wheel of Fortune

Another Wheel

Star Block

The two matching blocks are called "Wheel of Fortune" blocks -- they're a pain in the butt to make, but I like how they turned out. :) Not sure what the other block is - a star of some kind.